Saturday, November 29, 2008


(Overweight, Weight control)
A person gains weight if he eats more what his body uses, has a little physical activity, or has a low basal metabolic rate resulting in too much body fat. Obesity, which usually runs in families, leads to many health problems and shortens life expectancy.

* Body weight of at least 20% in excess of normal body weight for his height, age, sex, and build.
* Shortness of breath.
* Sweatiness, overheating.

* Diabetes mellitus.
* Heart disease.
* High blood pressure.
* Blood cholesterol.
* Osteoarthritis ( inflammation of a joint due to wearing out the cartilage that lines it).
* Back problems.
* Cancer of the colon, rectum, prostrate ( in men), or breast cervix, or uterus (in women).
* Psychological problems, low self-esteem.

* Over eating. Excess calories are stored as fat.
* Sedentary lifestyle ( low physical activity, little or no exercise).
* Low basal metabolism; hypothyroidism ( unusually slow metabolism), in rare cases.

What you can do
* Consult a doctor.
* Reduce your weight by eating less and following a low fat, high fiber diet.
* Begin an aerobics exercise program, but do not do it on your own. Seek the assistance of a trainer instructor.
* Engage in aerobic exercises activities e.g. swimming, cycling, walking, jogging, walk up stair instead of using elevators or escalators. For severe overweight start with a non-weight-bearing exercise like swimming, cycling, and water aerobic to prevent damage to knees and ankles.

What your doctors can do for you
* Determine the cause of obesity and treat it.
* Treat complications.
* Refer to a dietitian.
* Refer to a psychiatrist for behavior modification therapy.
* Check for contradictions to the weight control and aerobics programs.

Prevention tips
* Always eat a balanced diet. Eat moderately sized meals. Eat low fat, low sugar but high fiber diet.
* Exercise regularly.

Now if you were an over weight and or someone you know needs help. You know what to advice!

As often, people seeks the help of surgeons

As often, people seeks the help of surgeons
obesity leads to lipo... awtch!

Lipo on action

Lipo on action
This really hurts